Breaking the Fever
Volume 24 - 2021
Negotiation with Gangs
Adapting Pruitt to Explore State and Gang Negotiations
Alexandria Polk
The Longevity of Populism in Brazil
Matthew Hughes
COVID-19 Capitalism in Raced Markets
An Interview with Robbie Shilliam and Ali Bhagat
SAIS Journal Editorial Staff
The European Union's Strategic Autonomy in Geopolitical Digital Struggle
Giorgio Severi
The Evolution of TARGET2 Positions in the Eurozone
Moritz Osterhuber
Fishermen for Foot Soldiers
Repercussions of the War for South China Sea Fisheries
Michael Hall
The Convergence of Political Values of Citizens Across EU Member States along EU Enlargement Rounds
Victor Vorsatz
Early Trends in Digital Climate Activism During the 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown
Sahar Priano
European Academia is Ripe for Disruption
An Interview with Erik Jones
SAIS Journal Editorial Staff

The SAIS Europe Journal of Global Affairs (SEJGA) is a graduate student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish peer-reviewed articles for policy makers, academics and professionals interested in the world's most pressing policy issues.

With a student body in China, Europe and the United States, the SAIS community is built on a strong foundation of intersecting perspectives. Motivated by its rich global history, SEJGA provides a specialized forum on issues of security, environment, politics, economics and development to contribute to the pursuit of deeper insight into policy making.

We are building an ever-evolving archive of knowledge and forum on global affairs for scholars, students and practitioners to refine their work.

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