April 17, 2024
The Political Economy of Migration from the Southern Border to the Mediterranean

February 12, 2024
North-South Cooperation in the Energy Transition

February 8, 2024
Ethnic Violence and Autocracy in the South Caucasus

May 28, 2023
What is Going on in the Global Financial Markets?

April 19, 2023
The Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Saudi Arabia and Iran and Why it Matters

April 6, 2023
Enlargement and the Future of the European Union

March 22, 2023
Political Challenges and Democratic Processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

March 14, 2023

The Rise of Populism and Euroscepticism

February 28, 2023
Transnational Advocacy and Climate Activism

April 18, 2022
The Analyst Interview Project 3: Turkish Mediation with Doga Eralp

April 12, 2022
The Analyst Interview Project Special Episode: Migration in Europe with Søren Jessen-Petersen

March 6, 2022
The Analyst Interview Project 2: European Military Spending with Alexandra Marksteiner

March 3, 2022
The Analyst Interview Project 1: Ukrainian-Russia Negotiations with Dr. Sinisa Vukovic

Founded in 1997, the SAIS Europe Journal of Global Affairs (SEJGA) is a graduate student-run academic journal published at the European campus of the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), located in Bologna, Italy. Once called the Bologna Center Journal of International Affairs, its mission has always been to publish peer-reviewed articles on the world’s most pressing policy issues. Over the course of its history, the SEJGA has featured articles and interviews with notable scholars and policymakers such as Francis Fukuyama, Stephen Walt, and Romano Prodi.

With a student body in China, Italy, and the United States, the SAIS community is built on a strong foundation of intersecting perspectives. The SEJGA strives to reflect the school's global outlook and provide a platform for policymakers, academics, and professionals to engage in discourses on global issues and events. Our dedicated editorial team works tirelessly to ensure that each issue of the journal disseminates new ideas about contemporary global affairs and offers meaningful contributions to the field of international relations.

The SEJGA is building an ever-evolving archive of knowledge and forum on global affairs. Whether you are a reader, contributor, or editor, we welcome you to engage with us and be a part of SAIS Europe’s cherished tradition.

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